Professor of Thomistic Philosophy.
An extraordinary course, superbly taught, on the most foundational principles of Thomistic Philosophy – taught in a manner you can understand!
Following up on Leo XIII’s Encyclical Aertnis Patris on the Restoration of Thomistic Philosophy, and on St. Pius X’s insistence that Thomistic Philosophy remain the preferred system of the Church, the 24 Thomistic Theses were finalized under Pius X, and formally published under Pope Benedict XV in 1916.
It was a historic moment for Thomistic philosophy and for the Church, of which most Catholics are unaware.
The purpose of publishing the 24 Theses was to establish the basic principles that a philosopher must hold if he is to call himself a Thomist.
No one could regard himself as holding Thomistic philosophy, and of truly being a Thomistic teacher, if he did not adhere to what is enunciated in the 24 Theses.
The 24 Theses are divided into four sections: Ontology (Metaphysics); Cosmology (Philosophy of Nature); Psychology (Philosophy of Human Nature); and Theodicy (Natural Theology).
Without a guide, the 24 Thesis can be difficult to understand. Dr. Dennis Bonnette, in this brand new series of lectures, takes you through the 24 Thesis, makes comprehensible what appears to be difficult, and explains how these principles answer modern problems here and now.
The course is an overall review of philosophy that will be of great benefit to those who wish to embark on, or to continue, their studies of the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas.
It was Pope St. Pius X who said that Thomistic Philosophy is the remedy to Modernism;. Pius further said, “We admonish professors to bear well in mind that they cannot set aside St. Thomas, especially in metaphysical questions, without grave disadvantage”.
Indeed we desperately need to return to an understanding of Thomistic philosophy; and to understand, as the course explains, how it answers modern errors, especially today’s rampant Godlessness, as well as the immorality and lawlessness that necessarily flow from this Godlessness.
This unique 15-lecture course is an immense help in becoming more acquainted with the perennial philosophy. Learn why the Thomistic system is both superior to all other systems, and irreplaceable.
1) Garrigou-Lagrange’s Reality: The Real Distinction between Potency and Act
2) Foundational Principle: Potency Cannot Actualize itself
3) Immateriality/Intelligibility and the Impossibility of Infinite Regress
4) A Small Error in Principle is a Big Error in Conclusion
5) The Answer to Alice in Wonderland
6) Being and Analogy / What is Thomism?
7) From Metaphysics to Cosmology
8) The Science of the Soul
9) The Spirituality of the Intellect
10) The Operation of the Intellect
11) The Will / Answering Modern Arguments Against God’s Existence
12) Answering Modern Arguments Against God’s Existence (cont.)
13) Why the Thomisitic Philosophical System is Superior to all Others
14) The Relationship Between Belief in God and Morality
15) More from Garrigou Lagrange – Conclusion
“Dr. Bonnette is a first class teacher; logical, coherent and comprehensive. He’s been teaching Thomistic philosophy for over forty years.” – John Vennari, Catholic Family News